Carpeting is Your Best Choice for Flooring if You Want a Healthy Business Area.

The Nature of Those Scary Dark Traffic Lines
August 27, 2020
before and after photo of VCT flooring being waxed.
Save Your Floors by Waxing!
October 7, 2020

Carpeting is Your Best Choice for Flooring if You Want a Healthy Business Area.

Carpet has been unfairly blamed as a contributor to asthma, allergies, and for emitting high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Truth be told, CARPET IS OUR ALLY. It not only offers the lowest cost per square foot, but it is also the healthiest choice!  

Like a filter, the carpet will “trap” and damper the ambient air particles (dander, pollen, dust, and other contaminants) that can cause problems. For instance, you know those dark lines at the edge of your room, under doors, or the edge of steps? Those are called  FILTRATION LINES. They get that name because of how they develop. All the dirt, soot, pollen, and pollutants sift through every crack of the house and are “caught” by the carpet fibers.

Take the carpet out and all this dirt, soot, pollen, pollutants, etc. will be left circulating in the air for you to breathe. Without carpeting, it will finally blow onto your upholstery, rugs, drapes, or even clothes. Doctors tell us that dirt and dust are the primary causes of most allergies. Over time, the contaminants will build up – and you can imagine what all that will do to your health as you breathe those nasty microorganisms in on a daily basis. Replacing all those items are not cheap. Do yourself a favor and maintain your carpet; vacuum daily (commercial) and wet clean every 6-12 months. Make that carpet filter work for you as efficiently as possible!

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